Subfile Command Links will go to the IBM Site for a more detail definition
Link to Professional Standards
Standard Procedures
Subfile Commands and Notes
Subfile Keywords
SFLCTL - Subfile Control

SFLSIZ - Subfile Size

SFLPAG - Subfile Page Size

SFLDSP - Subfile Display Activation

SFLDSPCTL - Subfile display Control*
Please Visit
A          R SFDxxxB                   SFLCTL(SFDxxxA)

A                                      SFLSIZ(0016)

A                                      SFLPAG(0015)

A  xx                                  SFLDSP

A                                      SFLDSPCTL
Copy and Paste Data
(Trust the spacing it will align

Triple click on the A for all the
required keywords
Triple click on the A
SFLCLR - Subfile Clear
A Nxx                                  SFLCLR
SFLDLT - Subfile Delete
A  xx                                  SFLDLT
SFLDROP - Subfile Drop **, ***
A                                      SFLDROP(CF03)
SFLEND - Subfile End
A  xx                                  SFLEND
* only required with I/P from program
SFLENTER - Subfile Enter
A                                      SFLENTER(CF01)
My notes for Subfile keywords.  Feel free to use but remember these are only notes
SFLFOLD - Subfile Fold **, ***
A                                      SFLFOLD(CF04)
SFLINZ - Subfile Initialize ***
A  xx                                  SFLINZ
SFLLIN - Subfile Line
A                                      SFLLIN(x)
SFLMSG - Subfile Message
A  75                                  SFLMSG('MESSAGE 75')
SFLMSGID - Subfile Message
A  75                                  SFLMSGID(USR0006 *LIBL/UMSG001 +
A                                      75 &MORETXT)                      
SFLPGMQ - Subfile Program Message Queue
A            FLDxxx                    SFLPGMQ(10)
A            FLDyyy                    SFLPGMQ(276)
SFLRCDNBR - Subfile Record Number ***
A            @PLACE         4  0H      SFLRCDNBR
SFLRNA - Subfile Records not Active ***
A                                      SFLRNA
SFLROLVAL - Subfile Roll Value **, ***
A            ROLVAL         4S 0B  1 47SFLROLVAL
** Optional Keywords ignored If SFLSIZ - SFLPAG
*** Cannot use if the record format contains a field selection
USRDFN - User Defined
A          R URECORD                   USRDFN
ASSUME - Assume
A          R ARECORD                   ASSUME
Cannot use in the Control Record Format
WINDOW - Create Window on Display
A          R WINDOWx                   WINDOW(4 21 9 30 *NORSTCSR)
WDWBORDER - Window Border  Attributes
A                                      WDWBORDER((*COLOR RED) +
A                                       (*DSPATR RI))
RMVWDW - Remove Window
A  xx                                  RMVWDW
USRRSTDSP - User Restore Display
A  xx                                  USRRSTDSP
SFLCSRRRN - Subfile Cursor RRN
A                                      SFLCSRRRN(&@REC)
ROLLUP - Screen Roll
A                                      ROLLUP(61)
ROLLDOWN - Screen Roll
A N64                                  ROLLDOWN(52 'Roll Down')
SFLNXTCHG - Subfile Next Changed record
A  xx                                  SFLNXTCHG
SFLCSRPRG - Subfile Cursor Progression
A            ZZ            10A  B  5  5SFLCSRPRG
SFLMSGKEY - Subfile Message Key
A            FLDKY1                    SFLMSGKEY
SFLMSGRCD - Subfile Message Record
A          R RCDMSG                    SFL SFLMSGRCD(3)
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