Accounts Payable

SAPAF - A/P agreement file - O
SAPPP - A/P Payment proposal - O
SAPSM - Supplier Master file - O
SAPTF - A/P Transaction file - O
SGLCA - G/L chart of accounts
SGLCF - G/L control file
SGLDT - Document type table
SGLJN - G/L Journal number series
SGLPA - G/L Pseudo accounts
SGLVT - G/L voucher types
SPMPM - Product Master
SPUCON - Contract file
SPUPOD - Purchase Order Detail
SPUPOH - Purchase order Header
SPUPSI - Product supplier info


Accounts Receivable

SARBI - A/R Batch input - O
SARCCT - Credit card table - O
SARCF - A/R control file - O
SARCM - Customer Name Master - SO
SARID - Invoice Detail - O
SARIH - Invoice Header - O
SARTF - A/R Transaction file - O
SCSOT - Order Type Table
SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail
SCSSOH - Sales Order Header
SCSSA - Service agreement  
SCSSD - Sales Order Deposit
SFICT - Currency table  
SGLCA - G/L chart of accounts
SGLCF - G/L control file  
SGLJN - G/L Journal number series
SGLPA - G/L Pseudo accounts
SGNTOP -   Terms of payment table       
SGLVN -Voucher number series
SGLVT - Voucher type

SARCM - Customer Name Master - SO
SCRCAM - Credit Analyst Master - O
SCRCSC - Credit stop code table - O
SCSOT - Order Type Table
SCSSD - Sales Order Deposit - SO
SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail
SCSSOH - Sales Order Header
SCSTOP – Terms of Payment table – SO
SFICT - Currency table
SPMPM - Product Master
SPUPOD - Purchase Order Detail
SPUPOH - Purchase order Header
Customer Service

SARCCT - Credit card table
SARCM - Customer Name Master
SCRCSC - Credit stop code table
SCSCA - Customer addresses            
SCSOT - Order Type Table - O
SCSSA - Service agreement - O
SCSSD - Sales Order Deposit – SO
SCSSE - Sales Engineer table - O
SCSSO -Service object  - O
SCSSOA - Sales Order Addresses - O
SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail - O
SCSSODLL - Sales Order Detail Lot Level – O
SCSSOH - Sales Order Header - O
SCSSOS - Sales order service - O
SCSSOS - Sales order statistics line - O
SCSTOP -Terms of Payment table -SO
SCSTPS - 3rd Party Shipping - O   

SDIBN - Batch number Master - O
SDIPS – Picking Suggestion - O
SDIRFS - Radio Frequency Files - O
SDIRS - Replenishment suggestions - O
SGNMOT - Manner of Transport
SINICI - Inventory count instructions
SINLO - Location Master
SINIT - Inventory transactions
SINWM - Warehouse Master

SAPTF - A/P Transaction file
SARBI - A/R Batch input
SARCF - A/R control file
SARID - Invoice Detail
SARTF - A/R Transaction file
SCSSD - Sales Order Deposit
SFIAGT -  Account group table - O     
SFICL - Lot Cost Layering file - O
SFICT - Currency table - O
SFIER - Exchange rate - O
SFISCD - Standard Cost Details - O
SFIVHC - VAT handling codes - O
Human Resource

SHREM - Employee Master - O
SHREB - Employee Active Benefits - O
SHRBH - Benefits History - O
SPRPM  - Payroll Master - O
SPRST - State Taxes - O
SPRFT - Federal Taxes - O
SHREP - Employee Pension - O
SHREBY - Employee Beneficiaries - O  
SHREEO – EEO Codes - O

SGNMOT - Manner of Transport
SINSB - Stockroom balance
SINWM - Warehouse Master
SPMPM - Product Master
SPMPUI - Product unit information
Inspection and Q.A.

SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SFICL - Lot Cost Layering file
SGNCCT - Country Code table
SINCNC - Certificate of
SINIT - Inventory transactions            
SINLO - Location Master
SINLT - Lot Master
SINSB - Stockroom balance                 
SINWM - Warehouse Master
SITPM - Product Master
SPOOL  - Purchase order lines

SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SFICL - Lot Cost Layering file
SGNCCT - Country Code table
SINCNC - Certificate of Non-Conformity - O
SINICI - Inventory count Instructions - O
SINIMI - Inventory management info - SO
SINIT - Inventory transactions - O  
SINLO - Location Master - O
SINLOO - Location occupancy - O
SINLS - Location size table - O
SINLT - Lot Master - O
SINPL – Product Location - O
SINPWI - Product/Warehouse info - O
SINSB - Stockroom balance - O
SINSNT - Serial no tracking file - O
SINTR - Inventory transaction reason - O
SINWM - Warehouse Master - O
SPMPM - Product Master
SPUPOD - Purchase Order Detail

SARCM - Customer Name Master
SCSCA - Customer addresses
SCSOT - Order Type Table
SCSSA - Service agreement
SCSSD - Sales Order Deposit
SCSSE - Sales Engineer table
SCSSO -Service object
SCSSOA - Sales Order Addresses
SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail
SCSSODLL - Sales Order Detail Lot Level
SCSSOH - Sales Order Header
SCSSOS - Sales order service
SCSSOS - Sales order statistics line
SCSTOP -Terms of Payment table
SCSTPS - 3rd Party Shipping
SDIPS – Picking Suggestion
SINIT - Inventory transactions
SPMPM - Product Master
Product Management     

SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SARCM - Customer Name Master
SDIPS – Picking Suggestion
SFIAGT -  Account group table             
SFICT - Currency table
SFIER - Exchange rate
SFISCD - Standard Cost Details
SFIVHC - VAT handling codes
SGNCAL - Calendar                        
SGNCCC - Control code classes
SGNCCT - Country Code table
SGNCT - Commodity table                 
SGNMOT - Manner of Transport
SGNRCC - Replenishment control codes
SGNSCC - Service control codes
SINCPC - Customer product code
SINIMI - Inventory management info - SO
SINIT - Inventory transactions
SINLO - Location Master                            

SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SPMPCT - Product category table
SPMPG - Product group table
SPMPM - Product Master
SPMPR - Product Ranking
SPMPS - Product size file
SPMPSC - Prod structure - component
SPMPSO - Production structure  - ops
SPPWOD – Work Order Detail - O
SPPWOH – Work Order Header - O
SPPWOSO - Work order structure - O
SPUPSI - Product supplier information

SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SDIPS – Picking Suggestion
SFICT - Currency table
SGNCCT - Country Code table
SGNCT - Commodity table
SGNMOT -Manner of transport table
SGNNOT - Nature of transaction table
SGNPT - Port table
SGNOT - Order Type Table
SINCNC - Certificate of Non-Conformity
SINLT - Lot Master
SINSB - Stockroom balance         
SINSNT - Serial no tracking file
SINUT - Units table                                 
SINWM - Warehouse Master
SPMAI - Assortment Information

SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SGNMOT - Manner of transport table
SGNTOD - Terms of delivery table
SINIT - Inventory transactions - SO
SINLO - Location Master
SINLS - Location size table
SINLT - Lot Master – SO
SINPL - Product Location
SINSB - Stockroom balance - SO
SINSNT - Serial no tracking file
SINTR - Inventory transaction reason
SINWM - Warehouse Master
SPMPM - Product Master
SPUPOD - Purchase Order Detail - SO
SPUPOH - Purchase Order Header

SPMPM - Product Master
SRDNP - New Products
SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SPMPG - Product group table
SPMPCT - Product category table
SPMPR - Product Ranking
SPMPS - Product size file
SPMPSC - Prod structure - component - SO
SPUPSI - Product supplier information
SPMPSO - Production structure  - ops -SO
Sales and Marketing

SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail
SCSSOH - Sales Order Header
SGNCAL - Calendar                        
SPMPM - Product Master
SRDNP - New Products
SSMCOC - Commission customer - O
SSMCOM - Commissions - O
SSMCOS - Commission Sales Rep - O
SSMPL – Product Leads - O
SSMPS – Product Suggestions - O
SSMSOI - Sales order information - O
SSMSOR - Sales Order Re-planning - O
SSMSR     Sales Region - O             
SSMSR - Sales Rep Master - O

SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail - SO
SGNMOT - Manner of transport table
SGNTOD - Terms of delivery table
SINIT - Inventory transactions - SO
SINLO - Location Master
SINLS - Location size table
SINLT - Lot Master – SO
SINPL - Product Location
SINSB - Stockroom balance
SINSNT - Serial no tracking file - SO
SINTR - Inventory transaction reason
SINWM - Warehouse Master  
SPMPM - Product Master
SSISGT - Shipment group table - O
SSIPI – Package Information - O
SSISGT - Shipment group table - O  
SSISN - Shipment number - O  
Virtual Business Analyst
O - Owner
SO - Shared Owner
SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SARCM - Customer Name Master
SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail
SCSSOH - Sales Order Header
SCSSOA - Sales Order Addresses
SFICT - Currency table
SGNMOT -Manner of transport table
SGNTOD - Terms of delivery table
SGNTOP - Terms of payment table
SINIT - Inventory transactions
SINWM - Warehouse Master
SPMCSD - Customer/supplier documents
SPMPM - Product Master
SPMPPU - Product purchase Price Unit
SPMPSI - Product supplier information
SPMPUI - Product unit information
SPMTPI - Trading partner information
SPRWOS - Work order structure
SPUPOA - Purchase Order Addresses
SPUPOD - Purchase Order Detail
SPUPOH - Purchase Order Header
SINLOO - Location occupancy      
SINSB - Stockroom balance                  
SINUT - Units table                                 
SINVVC - Volume value classes                  
SINWM - Warehouse Master
SPMAI - Assortment Information - O
SPMAWT - Agreement/warranty type - O
SPMBT - Buying Trend - O
SPMFC - Freight cost table - O
SPMGTT - Goods type table - O
SPMMC - Movability classes - O
SPMPC - Product construction - O        
SPMPCG - Product Conformity Group - O
SPMPCT - Product category table - O     
SPMPG - Product group table - O             
SPMPHH - Prod handling/hazard code - O
SPMPLC - Prod Labeling Code table - O
SPMPM - Product Master - O
SPMPMP - Pricing Master Plan file - O   
SPMPPI - Periodic Purch Information - O
SPMPPU - Product Purch Price Unit - O
SPMPR - Product Ranking - O
SPMPS - Product size file - O
SPMPSC - Prod structure – component - SO
SPMPSF - Product search field ctl table - O
SPMPSO - Production structure – ops - SO
SPMPSP - Product Sales Price - O
SPMPTT - Package Type Table - O        
SPMPUI - Product unit information - O
SPMSP - Sales price - O
SPMST - Specification table - O       
SPMSTT - Structure type table - O            
SPMTNT - Tool number table - O
SPPFCC - Forecast control codes
SPPFF - Forecast file               
SPUPRC - Purchase review control codes
SPUPSI - Product supplier info
SSISGT - Shipment group table

SPUPOD - Purchase Order Detail  
SPUPOH - Purchase Order Header

SPMCSD - Customer/supplier documents
SPMPM - Product Master
SPMPPU - Product Purchase Price Unit
SPMPSC - Prod structure / component
SPMPSI - Product supplier info
SPMTPI - Trading partner information ops
SPUCON - Contract file - O
SPUPOA - Purchase order addresses - O
SPUPOD - Purchase Order Detail - O
SPUPOH - Purchase order Header - O  
SPUPRC - Purchase review control codes - O
SPUPSI - Product supplier info - O

SPPCTA - Capacity time axis - O   
SPPFCC - Forecast control codes - O
SPPFF - Forecast file - O                            
SPPMS - Master Production Schedule - O  
SPPPA - Production area table - O            
SPPPC - Production plan capacity time - O
SPPPD - Production plan detail - O
SPPPH - Production plan header - O
SPPPL - Production plan lines - O            
SPPPS - Production plan structure - O
SPPWC - Work center table - O                 
SPPWOH - Work order header - O         
SPPWOL - Work order lines - O                 
SPPWOSO - Work order structure - ops
 - O

SDIPS – Picking Suggestion
SFICT - Currency table                             
SGNCAL - Calendar
SGNCCT - Country Code table
SGNCT - Commodity table                 
SGNLSR - Lost sale reason codes
SGNMOT -Manner of transport table
SGNNOT - Nature of transaction table
SGNTOD - Terms of delivery table
SGNTOP -   Terms of payment table  
SINCPC - Customer product code
SINIT - Inventory transactions
SINLT - Lot Master
SINPWI - Product/Warehouse information
SINSNT - Serial no tracking file        
SINUT - Units table           
SINWM - Warehouse Master
SPMAI - Assortment Information
SPMPM - Product Master
SPMPPU - Product Purchase Price Unit
SSMSR - Sales Rep Master
SSMCOM - Commissions

SGLCA - G/L chart of accounts - O
SGLCF - G/L control file - O
SGLDT - Document type table - O
SGLJN - G/L Journal number series - O
SGLPA - G/L Pseudo accounts - O
SGLVN -Voucher number series - O
SGNCAL – Calendar
SINIT - Inventory transactions
SINSB - Stockroom balance
SINTR - Inventory transaction reason
SPMPPU - Product Purchase Price Unit
SPPFF - Forecast file
SSIPI - Package Information

SAPSM - Supplier Master file
SARCM - Customer Name Master
SCSOT - Order Type Table
SCSSOD - Sales Order Detail
SFICT - Currency table
SGLCA - G/L chart of accounts
SGLCF - G/L control file
SGLDT - Document type table
SGLJN - G/L Journal number series
SGLPA - G/L Pseudo accounts
SGLVT - G/L voucher types
SGNCAL - Calendar

SGNCT - Commodity table
SPMPG - Product group table                     
SPMPM - Product Master
SPMPPU - Product Purch Price Unit
SPMPSI - Product supplier info
SPMPSP - Product Sales Price
SPMPUI - Product unit information
SPMSP - Sales price
SSMCOC - Commission customer tables  
SSMCOS - Commission Sales Rep tables
SSMSOI - Sales order information
SSMSR - Sales Rep Master